- Healing Diets Online Course of 14 Lessons and 514 Pages.
- 7 PDF Books: Herbs of Grace – Becoming Independently Healthy, Iridology 1986, Iridology Coloring Book. Dictionary of Iridology, Iridology Vol 1, Flower Child, Creative Menopause, Old Man and His Soul.
- Mentored assignment feedback with emails and conversations.
- Educational guidance and support with emails and conversations.
- Certificate of Completion
- Fulfills A Requirement for the Master Iridologist Diploma Level.
- Master Iridologist Diploma Pathway requires Self Healing Embodiment.
The Iridology & Natural Medicine Online Certificate Course offers a personally guided education that merges depth academic study with experiential assignments and personally mentored assignment feedback and guidance.
“I graduated as a Naturopath with a whole new life and healing transformation that brightened my brown irises into blue!"
– Maggie Knauer, Naturopath Graduate, USA
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Lesson One
How does the iris print control panel of the brain and body serve as a symbolic language of the inner ecology and integrate with natural medicine philosophical laws of natural medicine, life experience, beliefs and natural medicine?
Lesson Two
Enjoy an introduction to Iridology vocabulary, viewing and photography equipment, forms, identification of photo label systems, how to draw the iris, analysis skills, communication expertise, charts, maps, and case sheet creation
Lesson Three
Iris Texture, Density, Constitutions, Structure. Charts. Iris Colorings. A visual display with explanations of different systems of iris textures, German and Faridian Constitutional Types, iris colors, pigment changes, introductions to honored iridologists, main markings, and the sclera that surrounds the iris.
Lesson Four
Photos and drawing focuses on iris shapes, relationships, fibers, and patterns. Visual display of its signs, markings, shapes, colors, fibers, rings, iris sign relationships, differentiations of the autonomic nerve wreath that surrounds the digestive area, iris areas, left and right iris variations, and more.
Lesson Five
Physical and emotional elimination influences on life, symptoms, and aging through bowels, liver, kidney, lymph, lungs and skin essential to healing are displayed in the iris during toxic, active and normal function levels.
Lesson Six
Nervous System in the body, changes during the variations of life experience reactivity and response, displayed in irises and suggested natural treatments.
Lesson Seven
Digestive System in the body, changes during the variations of life experience reactivity and response, displayed in irises and suggested natural treatments.
Lesson Eight
Circulatory/Lymphatic systems in the body, changes during the variations of life experience reactivity and response, displayed in irises and natural treatments.
Lesson Nine
Endocrine/Reproductive systems in the body, changes during the variations of life experience reactivity and response, displayed in irises and natural treatments.
Lesson Ten
Respiratory/Urinary systems in the body, changes during the variations of life experience reactivity and response, displayed in irises and natural treatments.
Lesson Eleven
Skeletal/Muscular systems in the body, changes during the variations of life experience reactivity and response, displayed in irises and natural treatments.
Lesson Twelve
Iridology integrated psychology from iridology pioneers in relationship to the body systems, emotions and Faridian constitutions for professional practice.
Lesson Thirteen
Rayid Model energetic corrections to iris patterns, shapes and textures.
Lesson Fourteen
Bach Flower Remedies transform iris constitution emotional challenges.