Receive an Iris analysis constitutional educational session from Farida Sharan ND, renowned world evolutionary educator, author of renowned Iridology textbooks and online courses and an Iridology practitioner with client analysis of over 10,000 irises over 45 years.

Experience how your Inner Ecology displays colors, textures and patterns in your irises that function as a control panel for discovering what is happening in your multi-level internal world. 

Discover how your unique and wonderful self processes multi-level life experience in interaction with the Outer Ecology of life in this world. 

Explore your constitutional strengths and weaknesses of organs, glands and tissues and receive guidance to support a longevity lifestyle path.

Receive iris photo instruction guide & 2 online books. Stream Iridology Introduction & Iridology Constitution Vimeo lecture DVD's for understanding of your iris analysis. Purchase 'Iridology Complete Guide 1986' from the direct links of books in the footer of each website page to inspire depth learning.

Explore. Experience. Understand.

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Personally Curated Self Healing Programs

Personally Curated
Self Healing Programs

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1. Herbs of Grace-Becoming Independently Healthy 
2. Dance With Cancer eBook
3. Iris Constitutional Analysis Report
4. Constitutional Lifestyle Adjustment Report
5. Healing diets, herbal, naturopathy guides.


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